In-Camera Meeting Minutes – January 13, 2014

In Attendance: Sally Watson, Craig Chapman, Chris Allen, Randle Robertson, Kathryn Cameron

Excused: Matt Morrison, Helen Dickinson, Devon Brook, Dave Allen, Steve Christy

Old Business

Item Action
1. Review Minutes Meeting December 2, 2013:

  • Chris needs photos of FRAA and FCC members for the website. Only Randle has submitted his image, all others are encouraged to send Chris a photo this week.
  • Canada Day Grant submitted, receipt acknowledges but no decision yet.
  • Furnace Room cleanup not yet complete.
  • All other items on tonight’s agenda.
Sally, Craig, Chris, Kathryn, Matt, Helen, Steve, Devon, Dave, Bailey


2. Christmas Event Wrap-up: Great big thank you to Santa for all the time he was able to spend in Field again this year at the Christmas Concert and Skate with Santa, incredible supper (125+ attended) – thank you to all the volunteers who cooked turkeys and hams, mashed potatoes and made gravy, thank you Field people and visitors for all the delicious and fantastic food, thank you to the dish washers and cleanup crew and a very special thanks to the elves at Bow River Trading Company for the super Santa gifts.
3.  Community Meeting with MP David Wilkes: MP Wilkes has written to the Minister of the Environment, to request reopening Boulder Creek as a Highway Maintenance Centre. Residents continue to express concern and dissatisfaction with the level of service the highway and village have received this winter. Once Mr. Wilkes’ office confirms a date he can meet with residents a notice will be sent out by community e-mail. Helen
4. Constitution and By-Laws Update: By-law change regarding quorum submitted with year-end report. Renewal cheque was cleared mid- December, waiting for formal response.”RESOLVED

To amend Part 4 16.1 to read as follows: A quorum is three directors present or such greater number as the directors may determine at a general meeting.

Dated this 21 day of November 2013.”

More work to do to formalize our organization definition, relationships with other organizations under our umbrella as a registered Society, membership guidelines, voting rights, etc. Randle taking the lead on this project.







5. Media Project:

  • Allen Media developed Community of Field website to communicate our organization’s role. Lots of great information, community calendar of events, etc. Take a look! WEBSITE ADDRESS HERE To be added soon – hall rental information and e-mail contact address, subscribers’ e-mail list so interested people can receive notification of news and events.
  • National Geographic identified Field as a top North American Secret Ski Town! If you haven’t already read the article, check it out at:
  • Facebook Page:  Great work on our media Chris. Thanks. The Village of Field – now known as VOF!!
6. Field Hall Improvement Project (HIP): CBT Grant final report submitted on time. Kathryn working on press release for Golden Star, to be sent by Friday noon deadline for next week’s publication. The Community Hall looks great! Thank you to all the volunteers who showed up to paint the walls and ceiling, and prepare for the new flooring. Deep and heartfelt thank you to Columbia Basin Trust for granting us the funds to invest in our one asset, Field Community Hall. Kathryn
7. Chamber of Commerce: Steve has communicated with Field and Yoho businesses about establishing a local chamber of commerce. Positive response from community. Steve to continue with project. Steve
8. Field Sustainability Workshop Follow-up: Meeting scheduled for 9:00 am to 10:30 am at Field Admin Boardroom, prior to Field Utility Board (FUB) Meeting, Feb 26/14 Caroline
9. Meeting Minutes Implications and State of Highway Maintenance: Reiteration by Randle of importance of meeting minutes, and the role minutes play in recording history of events, residents’ comments and suggestions,  follow-up, outstanding items and resolution of issues. Discussion about Highway maintenance going back to the cattle truck crash by the ranch on October 25, 2001 and service level resolution at the time lead to discussion about the October 31, 2013 crash west of Field when the Ambulance and Fire Truck were hit by a semi skidding out of control on the icy road. Attendees reviewed the minutes from Parks Canada meeting, attached to December 4, 2013 FUB minutes, to review the event and actions. Council requests a copy of the police report and forensic investigation of the accident. General feeling is that highway maintenance standards have been further reduced from minimum levels of service set when Boulder Creek Compound was closed, i.e. in winter, a plough/sander would maintain the TCH to Yoho’s west boundary prior to the school bus entering the park from Golden. 

How do we get past this continuous cycle of complaining about highway and village street conditions, where residents can’t get to their homes, visitors can’t get to their accommodations, delivery vehicles can’t supply clients – mail, groceries, emergency services can’t get to sections of the village, and parking lots aren’t cleaned? The economic impact on Field and Yoho National Park is substantial and negative, and we’re not happy with the current situation. Council has requested a meeting with Pat Thompson, Mountain Park Director with Parks Canada who oversees Highway Service Centre to discuss levels of service in Yoho National Park. This dovetails neatly with concerns expressed to and by MP Wilkes.




















Caroline and Kathryn to coordinate

10. Coffee with Superintendent: Scheduled for January 14, 2013 at The Siding, 10 am. Road closed between Field and Lake Louise due to high avalanche hazard, but no word of cancellation so far, so Council is still on board.

New Business

Item Action
1. Yoho Blow: January 24, 25 and 26Keep an eye on the bulletin board for announcements, schedule, updates and sign up sheets! Shaping up to be a great weekend. Tentative Schedule: Friday evening, – family hockey game, Minute to Win It; Saturday – breakfast on a bun, bbq all day, bocce, hockey, Heritage relay, dance Saturday night with Willhorse; Sunday – breakfast on a bun, bbq all day, finals, downhill cross-country ski race, potluck supper and awards. Be there or be square!


Windrow needs to be removed from in front of Community Hall before Yoho Blow.

Matt, Helen, Kathryn, Sally, Craig, Kim, Dave (go team!)






Highway Service Centre

2. Columbia Basin Trust Grant Application Timeline: Call for community ideas for improvements. Some suggestions include ice rink upgrade, furnace replacement, and fire alarm system upgrade in light of current status of Community Hall as overnight emergency shelter, AV and sound system. If you have ideas, please communicate with a member of council. 

Grant writing workshop in Golden January 15, 2013. No one available to attend.

Councilors to review details on CBT website 

Community members

3. Recapitalization Fund: Randle suggested FRAA/FCC establish a recapitalization fund that will help the community do upgrades to our facility as necessary without relying on crisis management. This will be a motion item at the next FCC/FRAA meeting. Randle to research
4. Kicking Horse Ski Club Dinner: Scheduled for February 22. Details to come! Kicking Horse Ski Club
5. Community Policing: Council suggests that Parks Canada Law enforcement staff spend more time in the community to meet residents and establish relationships, develop understanding of role and participate in community events. General feeling that where a void exists, community members may assume policing role which can be problematic. Town Hall Agenda item: Law Enforcement presentation on role of organization in community . FUB agenda item for February. Jim Mammalis
6. Town Hall Meeting Minutes: FCC secretary will record and prepare the minutes. Kathryn
7. Cooperatives 101: January 24, 2013 at College of The Rockies, all day. Kathryn and Randle to attend. Kathryn, Randle
8. Round Table:

  • Insurance: Due January 29. Craig handling details.
  • Kubota: Hydraulic lift for blade needs repair. Matt coordinating
  • Rental info and forms needed for website. Sally to coordinate with Chris.
  • Serving It Right: FRAA will pay fees for community members who want to acquire the credential.
9. Upcoming events: Town Hall Meeting: Monday, January 20, 2014, Field Community Hall, 7:00 pm

Yoho Blow: January 24, 25, 26 at Field Community Hall and around village

Hall Rental: January 31, February 1 and 2 – Yoga group

Hall Rental: February 10 – Lake Louise Sports and Recreation Society hockey tournament; we will provide coffee and hot chocolate for the event

Kicking Horse Ski Club Supper: February 22, Field Community Hall

Sustainability Workshop Follow-up: February 26, Field Admin Boardroom, 9 am to 10:30 am

FRAA/FCC In Camera: February 24, 7:00 pm, Field Community Hall

Field Utility Board Meeting: February 26, Field Admin boardroom, 10:30 am to noon

10. Town Hall Meeting AgendaPresentations:

Law Enforcement – Role and Responsibilities

Highway Service Centre – Wintertime Level of Service Guidelines


  • FCC
  • FRAA
  • Treasurer
  • Townsite Manager
  • Friends of Yoho
  • Field Fire and Rescue
  • Round Table
11. FUB AgendaOutstanding Items List

Off-Leash Dog Park

Signs on Bins

Community Policing

Highway Service Centre Levels of Service in Winter

Coffee with Superintendent

Water, Sewer, Garbage rates

PDF Version – In-Camera Minutes – January 13, 2014