Field Recreation Advisory Association Board Meeting, April 6, 2020

In Attendance via Skype: Flint Palmer, Paulina O’Brien, Sally Watson, Sonya Leenders, Kathryn Cameron

Excused: Greg Dowman

1. Events at the hall.

Last events at the Community Hall were the Town Hall Meeting on March 9, Yoga on March 12 and self-lead HIIT on March 15. Laura has settled up with the FRAA as of March 11. Kathryn to contact Mardi to settle yoga account when she is able.

Until pandemic physical distancing guidelines are lifted, all meetings and events at the Community Hall are suspended including: Early Earth Day and Easter Bunny Hop and Pot Luck scheduled for Monday, April 13; FUB is on May 6 and Town Hall Meeting scheduled for May 11. Not certain about Spring Fling on June 7 at this point; let’s see how it all plays out. We’re flexible.

Craig has set up a Comcast option on the TV at the Community Hall. Unfortunately wifi isn’t working, again. Might be time to purchase a new router; Sally to talk to Chirs about a recommendation. Craig also did a walk through the building to make sure all was well. So far so good. 

2. Contribution Agreement

Received the Contribution Agreement from Parks Canada for signature. Signed and initialled with corrections for FRAA mailing address and quorum. Document e-mailed to Superintendent’s office for his signature.


Looks like Parks Canada and Field Fire and Rescue Department have reached agreement on short term coverage while both parties continue to work on long-term options. Alex Kolesch indicated there would be an announcement by Parks Canada soon.

4. Church Project

Working on tasks to complete before the Development Permit application can be submitted. Helen Irwin has sent us the first draft of the Basic Impact Assessment required for the Development Permit. Helen has done an amazing, thorough job. Citizen Science project is in the works to monitor owl nesting in 2020, and potential bat use of building over the spring/summer/fall 2020. So far, Bruce Bembridge and Axel Cameron have signed up to provide observation data. If you are interested in participating, please contact kathryn.cameron105@gmail,com

5. Public Workout Space at Field Elementary School Gym

Once Parks Canada completes the lease surrender from School District #6, the FRAA will enter a License of Occupation with Parks Canada to use the gym. Proposed that HIIT classes will move from the Community Hall to the gym. General discussion about program options and rental policy once we enter into a License of Occupation agreement .

6. E-mail transfers via account at Columbia Valley Credit Union.

Sally to talk to Kaela L’Heureux at CVCU to see what we need to do to institute online banking to pay bills and receive e-mail transfers. 

7. Heather MacNeiil’s idea about funding a track setting position for Kicking Horse Ski Club

The Lake O’Hara Trails Club does quite a lot of fundraising, and actually funds two Parks Canada trail crew positions at Lake O’Hara. Heather suggested that perhaps Parks Canada would consider a similar agreement with KHSC, so Parks Canada would hire a track setter, provide all equipment and KHSC would direct fundraising activities to fund the service provided by Parks Canada. Takes the onus off Kicking Horse Ski Club for hiring staff, equipment purchase and maintenance but still allows for businesses and users to contribute. FRAA will discuss the proposal with Parks Canada. Intent is to work on the options for the 2020/21 winter season.

8. Community Small Grants

Craig and Aleysha have applied for money to purchase art supplies for people who are interested in participating in a project to commemorate the current state of hand-washing, staying home and physical distancing as we move through the Covid-19 experience.

9. FRAA Email account is our new FRAA dedicated communication account. Community e-mail notifications will come from this account now. It will also be used for e-mail transfers when the process has been set up.

10. Elements Physiotherapy and Massage Therapy from Golden are interested in renting the Community Hall one day per week in the summer season to offer services in Field.

Antoinette has seen the interior of the building and has talked to Sally about a better rate than $150 per day, our standard rental fee. The other option is 20% of gross revenue, like we charge to program leaders for yoga and HIIT, or other classes where people pay a fee to attend. Board members agreed that if Elements proceeds with the plan, they will be given the option to chose whichever option is least expensive for them. Sally to talk to Janice Ottoson about insurance requirements from Elements and FRAA. Board feels that the relationship can be handled through the existing Hall Rental Agreement document. Great service to offer in the community.

10. Round Table

In a recent round of communication with the Townsites Office in Field regarding emergency use of Field Community Hall by CP in the event of a bunkhouse evacuation, it became clear that knowledge of the existing Field Emergency Plan as well as updating the plan are critical for all parties involved. Kathryn will communicate with Alex about training and a possible timeline to update the plan.

Flint: In discussion with fellow organizers about going ahead with Field Summer Music Festival for 2020 in the face of so much social uncertainty. Needs to sell 350 tickets to succeed; 50 tickets sold to date. It’s a fluid situation. Track FSMF Facebook account for Elk Run and Riot live stream concert coming up in about two weeks, and announcements about FSM 2020.

Paulina and Flint: Is there something the FRAA can do in the near future to bring people together? Street dance with 10’ squares marked on the road with chalk; one square per person? Physical Distance Party? Amazing community of amazing people – we miss getting together these days.

Sonya: Concerned about potential second wave of Covid-19 in the fall. Suggested monthly Skype meetings in addition to regular e-mail communication to stay in touch until regular meetings and events can proceed. Board meeting by Skype set for May 4. Sonya and Paulina will coordinate virtual Easter message to community.

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